Friday, April 10, 2009


i really must paint more. i miss it. hmm...maybe i should veer away from emo, broken hearted, dead-looking-girl, illustrations.....NAAAH;)

Anti-valentines note:

Lomowall at Bastakiya Art Fair in Dubai

Having bought my lomo camera months ago with every intention to use it for exciting projects and happy random moments, i found it slowly gathering dust in the cupboard. That was until i'd heard about the lomography wall exhibition that was taking place in Dubai. I thought the only way to get myself into this was to throw myself into the deep end with committed deadlines. So i dusted my Holga off and started shooting. It really is so much more fun. I mean digital cameras have their place don't get me wrong, but there is just something so magical about your unexpected light spills, intense colours, fuzzy grains, and "what the..???" moments ;)

For the wall we could print repeats as to create a pattern with our imagery. Quite interesting how some single shots that may appear boring on their own become really effective and impactful when repeated.
hmmm...i think i may be hooked...

"My Name is Robot" Exhibition Night

The build up to exhibition night was super exciting. I'd heard all the rumours of what the other bots looked like and all the bizarre things people had done to customise theirs. Rob set up a site featuring all the artists and a write-up about them and their piece.

the beginning process...

After a lot of chiseling, chrome spray paint, markers, watercolours, stencils, computer bits and wires, and hours of recording & editing my songs, this was the final result...

Some of the other Robots were crazy cool! From remote controlled S & M Robots, to actual face casted robots. Unbelievable. The photographers involved in the exhibition also took some wicked pics with the bot's incorporated.
The turn out of people was amazing too! The gallery was packed with a constant flow of people. Check out the clip and inteviews for MTV Arabia: